Fiche du film

J'ai rencontré le diable - Akmareul boatda

J'ai rencontré le diable - Akmareul boatda

Réalisateur: Ji-woon Kim (3)

Origine: South Korea

Résumé (TB): Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. Soo-hyeon, a top-secret agent, decides to track down the murderer himself. He promises himself that he will do everything in his power to take vengeance against the killer, even if it means that he must become a monster himself.

Année de production: 2010

Catégorie: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller

Note: 7.9

URL (IMDB/Allociné): Suivez ce lien

Acteurs: Byung-hun Lee (8), Gook-hwan Jeon, Ho-jin Jeon (2), San-ha Oh, Yoon-seo Kim, Min-sik Choi (9),

Byung-hun Lee

Gook-hwan Jeon

Ho-jin Jeon

San-ha Oh